There will be 7 homework assignments.
You may discuss the problems with each other, but you must do your
own assignment. In other words, you may not copy homework solutions
from each other, but you can discuss strategies for solving the problems.
It is strongly recommended that you learn to typeset your homework
with LaTeX, Word, or some other software, since it is much easier
to grade (which works to your advantage), and it is a skill you will certainly
find useful in the future.
You will have 5 quizzes during the recitations.
They will be individual and closed book.
Quiz 0 is a course pretest and will be an
in-class test given during the second week of
recitation. The purpose of the test is to make sure you have the
proper prerequisite knowledge to take this course.
Each week there is not a quiz during recitation, you will have a group
worksheet. The groups will be randomly assigned each week. The worksheets
are due at the end of recitation. You are expected to work on all of the
problems as a group, not distribute the problems among the group.
Midterm and Final
These will be closed-book in class tests.
Final Grading Scale
Here is the final grading scale.
All scores are rounded up at .5 and down at .49.