CSCI 255 Fall 2013
Introduction to Algorithms and Discrete Structures
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



CSCI 125
CSCI 255
MATH 131 (01 and 02)


Homework 16


  • Most problems are found in one of the following:
    1. ADM: The Algorithm Design Manual
    2. IDMA: An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms
  • For full credit, provide context for each problem, show all calculations, and justify all answers by providing enough comments to explain your reasoning.
  • You will lose a significant amount of credit if you do not provide context, calculations, and justifications for a problem.
  • Numbers and/or algebra by themselves are not enough. A correct answer with no justification will be worth no more than half credit, and sometimes much less than that.
  • Precision is very important. You cannot skip steps, make guesses, or use flawed logic. Any of these things can lead to incorrect answers.
  • Homework assignments must be very neatly written or typeset (e.g. using Word or OpenOffice).
  • You must indicate any assistance/collaboration you had on an assignment as specified on the Policies page.
  • NEW! If a problem asks for an algorithm, you should give the most efficient algorithm you can find to ensure full credit. You should also specify the complexity of the algorithm with justification, whether or not the problem asks for it.


The following problems are from pages 139-144 of ADM.
4-12Prove that your algorithm has the specified complexity. Also, see the heading right above the problem. It may give you a hint about how you might want to approach the problem.Algorithm Rubric
4-18You should be able to do this in place (i.e. with a constant amount of extra memory). Prove that your algorithm has the specified complexity.Algorithm Rubric
4-28This one is really not that hard if you use some of your math skills.Computational Problem Rubric
4-32You are not limited to 20 questions. They just use that as a setup for the problem. For both parts, specify exactly how many questions are necessary as a function of n (not just a bound).Algorithm Rubric