| Homework 6Details
- (6+4+2 pts)
Apply the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find the maximum flow of the following network.
Do not forget to:
- Show all of the intermediate steps (copy this graph into your file and/or print it multiple times to make it easier!)
- Draw the maximum flow and give the value of the maximum flow.
- Specify the minimum cut (i.e. give the set X).
- (6 pts) IDAA 10.2.10 (page 372).
Explain how to construct the appropriate graph and explain what a maximum
flow tells us about the answer to the question.
Make sure you clearly explain your solution!
- (6 pts) IDAA 10.3.1 (page 378)
Make sure to fully justify your answer.
- (6 pts)
IDAA 10.3.10 (page 380)
To clarify, it is looking for a tiling in which the lower left and upper right
squares are empty, but the rest of the board is covered.
Looking at a picture of a chess board might help.
Make sure to prove your answer.