CSCI 385 Spring 2023
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



CSCI 385
MATH 160


Grade Distribution

RReading Questions30
  • Tests
    • There will be one or two test during the semester and one final exam.
    • The tests are equally weighted
    • You are expected to take them when they are scheduled.
  • Homework
    • There will be a veritable plethora of homework assignments.
    • The homework will consist of problems and/or programs. Some will be larger than others, but they will all be equally weighted.
    • Programming assignment will be due at 1:00am on the due date.
    • Please review the relevant sections of the Policies page for additional details about my expectations for homework assignments.
    • Although you will learn a lot more by struggling through problems on your own, you may use External Sources for up to 50% credit on a problem. See the Policies page for more details.
    • At the beginning of the semester you should create a Google Doc named HW_Smith, where you replace Smith with your last name. Share it with me and give me permission to edit the document.
    • Create headings for each homework assignment (e.g. Homework 3) followed by the numbered list solutions to the problems. Place them in reverse chronological order (i.e. so the new ones are at the top of the document.)
  • Reading Questions
    • Reading questions are linked to from the schedule.
    • These will be graded in different ways: Sometimes I will give you credit for answering them, and sometimes I may grade some or all of the problems like a homework assignment.
    • At the beginning of the semester you should create a Google Doc named RQ_Smith, where you replace Smith with your last name. Share it with me and give me permission to edit the document.
    • Create headings for each reading assignment (e.g. IDAA 2.3) followed by the numbered list of answers to the questions. Place them in reverse chronological order (i.e. so the new ones are at the top of the document.)
    • Feel free to copy the questions ito the document as well, but it is not required. (And if you do, you need to do it one section at a time since they will be in the wrong order otherwise.)
    • Reading questions are technically due by noon on the due date, but as long as they are done by the time I grade them then I will accept them. With that being said, I may grade them at noon on some days, and 5:00 pm on other days, so take your chances if you wish!