The Pigeonhole Principle

The Pigeonhole Principle (or Dirichlet drawer principle)

If k + 1 or more objects are placed into k containers, then there is at least one container with two or more of the objects in it.

Example 1: True or False, if there were 32 people who all had their birthdays during the month of January, at least two of the people would have the same birthday.


Example 2: How many people must be in a group before it is certain that at least one pair were born on the same day of the week?


Example 3: In a local high school district, there are eight high schools. How many people would have to play on an all-star soccer team to guarantee that there are at least 3 people from a single high school?


The Generalized Pigeonhole Principle

If N objects are placed into k containers, then there is at least one container with at least ceiling(N / k) objects.

Example 1: Among 150 people, there are at least ceiling(150 / 12) = 13 who were born in the same month.

Example 2: If there are 12 classes in a new school, how many students must attend for there to be at least one class with 15 students (each student only attends 1 class)?


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