| Course Information
Time | 9:30-10:50am Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-10:20am Friday |
Location | VNZORN 142 |
Instructor |
Chuck Cusack |
E-mail | cusack@hope.edu |
Office | VWF 233 |
Phone | 395-7271 |
Office Hours | 2-3pm MW or by appointment |
Textbook |
The following two textbooks will be used:
- The Algorithm Design Manual, Second Edition (ADM), Steven Skiena, Springer, 2010.
Webpage for the book: Algorist.com
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (IDMA), Charles Cusack and David Santos, 2013.
(The bookstore has copies. You need a hard copy for use during class, but it is
also available in PDF here)
Note: Whenever the resources column on the schedule has an entry for ADM or IDMA,
you are expected to read the given sections before class.
Important Links |
Resources |
- Answers in the back of your book
An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms has Exercise sections that
contain problems with solutions given in the next section.
- Me
See me during office hourse, before or after class, or make an appointment at another time.
Description |
The main purpose of this course is to teach you how to properly design
and analyze algorithms. Specific topics include:
- The basics of algorithm analysis including
- Asymptotic notation
- Complexity classes
- Analyzing recursive algorithms
- Creating and solving recurrence relations
- Algorithmic techniques, including
- Brute Force
- Divide-and-Conquer
- Decrease-and-Conquer
- Transform-and-Conquer
- Space and Time Tradeoffs
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Techniques
- Distributed/Parallel Algorithms
- Random Algorithms
- Theory of computing, including
- Tractable and intractable problems
- Complexity classes like P, NP, and NP-Complete
See the Schedule for a more detailed description of what we will do when.