There will be one or two exams during the semester and one final exam.
The exams are equally weighted
You are expected to take them when they are scheduled.
There will be a veritable plethora of homework assignments.
The homework will consist of problems and/or programs.
Some will be larger than others, but they will all be equally weighted.
Programming assignment will be due at 1:00am on the due date.
Please review the relevant sections of the Policies
page for additional details about my expectations for homework assignments.
Although you will learn a lot more by struggling through problems on your own,
you may use External Sources for up to 50% credit on a problem.
See the Policies page for more details.
SRQ/Reading Questions
SRQs and/or reading questions will be required for this course.
See the Policies page for details on how to write an SRQ.
Reading Questions/SRQs should be submitted at the beginning of class on paper.