| Homework 11DetailsYou may work in pairs on this assignment.
The following are from Grossman Homework.
They will be equally weighted (10 points each).
- Write a program for Problem 1. Have a parameter (to the constructor?) that allows you to set the threshold for the sequential cutoff (where a value of 1 essentially means there is no cutoff) and run tests with various thresholds and array sizes.
Have your main program run tests on arrays of various sizes. Run it
on some "known" small arrays so you can test the correctness of the algorithm, and then it should run it on larger arrays. Make sure you output the array size, cutoff, and time taken for each test. Run it on Loki so you can test it with 24 cores.
Submit your results as a textfile or on paper.
For a lot of helpful tips on implementing your algorithm using ForkJoin, see Beginner's Introduction to Java's ForkJoin Framework and/or examples from the book.
Hand in your code using Webhandin 385-HW11
- Do Problem 3. Use Excel or a similar program to create the tabels of values and charts. Submit your Excel file using webhandin. If you use another program make sure you submit a printed copy of your tables and charts.
- Do Problem 4. Hand this one in on paper.