MATH 132 Fall 2017
Calculus II
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Hope College



CSCI 385
MATH 160


Course Information

Time     9:30-10:20 MWF, 9:30-10:50 T
Location     VNZORN 238

Instructor     Charles Cusack
Office     VWF 233
Phone     395-7271
Office Hours       By Appointment


  • The textbook has solutions to the odd numbered problems, so those are good ones to use for practice.
  • Make an appointment to see me in my office, send me questions via e-mail, or stop by and see if I am available.
  • The Math Lab is open Sundays from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. (NOT Tuesday). It is located in SCICTR 1118. The lab is staffed by Math majors who can help you with questions you have about the material in this course.
  • The ASC offers tutors for this course.

Topics Topics covered include techniques of integration, applications of the integration, sequences, infinite series, power series, introduction to differential equations, and polar coordinates.

  • Attend every class. You are responsible for knowing all announcements made in class, whether you're there or not.
  • Read every section of the textbook when it is assigned.
  • You will take all exams and quizzes when assigned.

Advice You are all capable of doing well in this course, but you will have to work. We'll be working hard to teach you and we expect you to work hard to learn. You will probably be frustrated at times, but working through this frustration to achieve a new understanding is the centerpiece of all learning. Here are some specific suggestions.
  • Regular attendance is highly recommended. There is published evidence of a high correlation between attending classes and performing well on exams; my personal experience corroborates this.
  • Attentiveness, constructive participation in class discussions, and asking relevant questions will improve your chances of learning the material. A positive attitude helps, too.
  • It is essential that you read the sections we are discussing, preferably both before class and then again after class.
  • The standard recommendation for college classes is 2-3 hours spent outside of class on reading, studying, and homework for every hour in class.
  • Be prepared to work hard.
  • Don't fall behind.
  • Take the initiative to get help when you need it. Don't wait for a bad exam to start seeking the resources to improve.
There's a lot that's interesting, challenging, and beautiful about mathematics—hopefully you'll notice some of it in this course.