You are expected to take them when they are scheduled.
Final Exam
There will be a final exam during the scheduled final exam period.
You are expected to take the final exam when it is scheduled.
There will be about 11 quizzes during the semester. Some may be unannounced.
You are expected to take the quizzes when they are scheduled and make-up quizzes will
not be given unless there are extenuating circumstances.
There will be a veritable plethora of WebWork assignments (typically one per section
of the textbook).
These assignments are available online:
(It is important that the first time you go to WebWork that you do so from the Moodle page. It will create your account and add you to the course.)
These problems have fixed deadlines and are graded automatically.
It is your responsibility to log into WeBWorK on a regular basis and keep track of the due dates.
Reading Notes
For every day that there is a reading assignment on the schedule,
you are expected to bring to class written notes based on the section(s) assigned.
At the beginning of class I will take a quick look at your notes and give you 0-4 points depending
on what your notes look like.
The exact content of the notes is up to you. The idea is to write down the relevant material
from the chapter in a way that is meaningful and helpful to you.
External Participation
You are required to earn 2 colloquium credits for this course
If you fail to meet this requirement, your course grade will be lowered by 1/3 of a letter grade.
You can earn one colloquium credits by doing one of the following:
Attend a math colloquium and printing and filling out the Math Colloquium Report Form and
turning it in to me no later than a week after the colloquium.
Submit a reasonable solution to a problem of the fortnight question found in the math department newsletter
Off on a Tangent.