MATH 132 Fall 2017
Calculus II
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Hope College



CSCI 385
MATH 160


Grade Distribution

PExternal Participation2
FFinal Exam20
RReading Notes8
  • Exams
    • There will be 3 exams during the semester.
    • The exams are equally weighted.
    • You are expected to take them when they are scheduled.
  • Final Exam
    • There will be a final exam during the scheduled final exam period.
    • You are expected to take the final exam when it is scheduled.
  • Quizzes
    • There will be about 11 quizzes during the semester. Some may be unannounced.
    • You are expected to take the quizzes when they are scheduled and make-up quizzes will not be given unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • WebWork
    • There will be a veritable plethora of WebWork assignments (typically one per section of the textbook).
    • These assignments are available online: WebWork. (It is important that the first time you go to WebWork that you do so from the Moodle page. It will create your account and add you to the course.)
    • These problems have fixed deadlines and are graded automatically.
    • It is your responsibility to log into WeBWorK on a regular basis and keep track of the due dates.
  • Reading Notes
    • For every day that there is a reading assignment on the schedule, you are expected to bring to class written notes based on the section(s) assigned.
    • At the beginning of class I will take a quick look at your notes and give you 0-4 points depending on what your notes look like.
    • The exact content of the notes is up to you. The idea is to write down the relevant material from the chapter in a way that is meaningful and helpful to you.
  • External Participation
    • You are required to earn 2 colloquium credits for this course
    • If you fail to meet this requirement, your course grade will be lowered by 1/3 of a letter grade.
    • You can earn one colloquium credits by doing one of the following:
      • Attend a math colloquium and printing and filling out the Math Colloquium Report Form and turning it in to me no later than a week after the colloquium.
      • Submit a reasonable solution to a problem of the fortnight question found in the math department newsletter Off on a Tangent.
      • Attend a mathematics conference
      • Prepare for and compete in a math competition.
      • Give a talk at a colloquium or math conference.