CSCI 385 Fall 2015
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



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Schedule for weeks 1 through 16

Wk Day Date TopicResourcesEvents

1TueSep 01
  • Course intro
  • Graph Pebbling
  • Brickficiency
  • bricklink
  • BrickStore
  • Brickficiency

  • ThuSep 03Brickficiency
  • NATCF 1-2
  • Brickficiency Project 1 due

  • FriSep 04Algorithm Analysis
  • NATCF 3
  • FA 1-1.3 (pages 1-26)

  • 2TueSep 08Asymptotic Notation
  • NATCF 4
  • FA 1.4-1.5
  • AIDMA 7 (optional)
  • HW 1 due

    ThuSep 10Recurrence Relations
  • NATCF 5
  • FA App B.1 (603-607)
  • FA App B.3 (626-627)
  • FA App B.4 (628-635)
  • AIDMA 8.3-8.3.3 (288-304) (Optional)

  • FriSep 11Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • NATCF 6
  • FA 3-3.1, 3.3, 4-4.1
  • Ch 3/4 SRQ due

  • 3TueSep 15Divide-and-conquer
  • NATCF 7
  • FA 2-2.4
  • HW 2 due

    ThuSep 17Divide-and-conquer
  • NATCF 8
  • FA 2.5, 2.8
  • FA 2.7 (optional)
  • Top 4 NATCF topic list due

  • FriSep 18Divide-and-conquer
  • NATCF 9
  • HW 3 due

  • 4TueSep 22
  • Finishing up divide-and-conquer
  • Brief discussion of parallel divide-and-conquer
  • NATCF 10-11 (no SRQ)
  • FA 3.4 (required, no SRQ)
  • FA 3.5 (Bring SRQ to class)
  • FA 3.7 (Bring SRQ to class)
  • Strassen's Algorithm Slides
  • Strassen's Algorithm (from a blog)
  • Other Strassen's Algorithm Slides
  • HW 4 due

  • ThuSep 24Dynamic Programming
  • Optimal Binary Search Trees
  • Sequence Alignment
  • FA 4.5 (Bring SRQ to class)
  • Hoang and John Presenting

  • FriSep 25
  • Knapsack (Greedy Versus Dynamic)
  • FA 4.2 (Bring SRQ to class)
  • FA 4.3 (Bring SRQ to class)
  • Nathan Presenting

  • 5TueSep 29Greedy Algorithms
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • Scheduling
  • HW 5 due
  • Cole and Katie presenting

  • ThuOct 01Applications

    FriOct 02Backtracking
  • FA 5-5.4
  • 8 Queens Animation (GIF)
  • 8 Queens Animation (YouTube)
  • Project Proposal Due

  • 6TueOct 06No ClassFall Recess

    ThuOct 08Backtracking
  • FA 5.6-5.7
  • HW 6 due

    FriOct 09Branch-and-Bound
  • FA 6-6.2

  • 7TueOct 13
  • Backtracking
  • Branch-and-Bound
  • Work Day!

    ThuOct 15NP-Complete
  • FA 9-9.4
  • NP-complete notes
  • HW 7 due

  • FriOct 16Approximation Algorithms
  • FA 9.5
  • Annotated Bibliography for Project Due

  • 8TueOct 20EverythingMidterm Exam

    ThuOct 22Genetic Algorithms
  • FA 10-10.2

  • FriOct 23
  • Genetic Programming
  • Work day
  • FA 10.3-10.4
  • GP Tutorial (mainly for the pictures)

  • 9TueOct 27
  • Parallel Programming
  • OpenMP
  • Read Introduction to Parallel Programming (SRQ)

    ThuOct 29Open MP
  • Watch 1-7 from Introduction to OpenMP
  • Open MP Slides (from videos, for reference)
  • Open MP Exercises (code from videos)
  • Patternlets (in class)
  • Open MP Introduction (for reference)
  • Submit your Pi program

  • FriOct 30Open MP
  • Watch 8-17 from Introduction to OpenMP
  • mandel.c in class
  • HW 8 due

  • 10TueNov 03Open MP
  • Watch 18-22 from Introduction to OpenMP

  • ThuNov 05Open MP
  • Watch 23-27 from Introduction to OpenMP

  • FriNov 06Parallel ProgrammingRead Ch 2-3.3 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Sophomoric Parallelism and Concurrency
  • Project Readings/Handouts Due

  • 11TueNov 10
  • Java's ForkJoin
  • Read Ch 3.4-3.6 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Grossman notes 1
  • Java ForkJoin Framework
  • Java ForkJoin Framework Guide
  • Java ForkJoin Javadoc
  • HW 9 due

    ThuNov 12
  • Analyzing Parallel Algorithms
  • Read Ch 4 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Read Ch 5-5.2 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Grossman notes 2

  • FriNov 13
  • Parallel Prefix
  • Pack
  • Read Ch 5 of SIPC (SRQ) (Re-read 5-5.2 and finish the chapter)
  • Grossman Notes 3
  • Project Activity Due

  • 12TueNov 17
  • Parallel Sorting
  • Concurrency
  • Read Ch 6 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Grossman Notes 4
  • HW 10 due

    ThuNov 19
  • Race conditions
  • Read Ch 7 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Grossman Notes 5
  • HW 10 due (Write up)

    FriNov 20
  • Locks and stuff
  • Read Ch 8-9 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • Grossman Notes 6

  • 13TueNov 24
  • Synchronization
  • Read Ch 10 of SIPC (SRQ)
  • HW 11 due

    ThuNov 26No Class
  • Turkey (or Tofurky or maybe even Turducken)
  • Stuffing
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Thanksgiving Break

    FriNov 27No ClassThanksgiving Break

    14TueDec 01PageRank
  • PageRank reading (handed out, SRQ!)
  • Page Rank Calculation Spreadsheet
  • John Dood presenting

    ThuDec 03Data compression
  • Blelloch Reading (handed out, SRQ!)
  • Data Compression Notes (in class)
  • Compression Animation
  • Katie Brudos presenting
  • Exam Problems due (project, normal)

  • FriDec 04Public-Key CryptographySRQ for all:
  • FA11.1-11.2
  • Stinson reading (handout)
  • RSA Notes
  • Hoang Vu presenting

    15TueDec 08Digital SignaturesSRQ for all:
  • Crash Course on Digital Signatures (read)
  • Extended Euclidean Algorithm (read)
  • Handout (read)
  • Digital Signatures Notes (in class)
  • Cole Watson presenting
  • HW 12 due (program)

  • ThuDec 10BitcoinsSRQ for all:
  • Bitcoin Primer (Read through page 9)
  • Bitcoin Mining (Read to "Mining with a pool", including footnotes.)
  • Block Hashing (Read all)
  • Difficulty (Read all)
  • Nate Vance presenting
  • HW 12 due (write-up)

  • FriDec 11Review

    ExWedDec 16EverythingFinal Exam 3-5 pm