There will be a lot of homework assignments.
They will mostly consist of problem sets from the textbook.
One of the keys to success in mathematics is repetition!
I am trying something new this semester: If you submit your homework
assignments 1 class period earlier than the due date, you will get a
10% bonus on the assignment. The main reason I am trying this is
because I want to encourage you to start you homework as early as
From time to time there will be quizzes during class.
The main purpose of the quizzes is to keep you honest.
That is, to help encourage you to keep up on your reading
and attempting the suggested exercises. The better you
do at being prepared, the less likely there will be lots
of quizzes.
There will be a midterm and a final exam.
There are three main criteria here:
Classroom discussion and activities. This include how you are
doing keeping up with the reading and suggested exercises.
Both asking and answering questions are considered good things.
Getting help when needed (Office Hours, etc.).
Colloquium attendance. You must attend at least 75% of the colloquiums to not get marked down.
These three areas are not necessarily weighted equally.