CSCI 250 Fall 2010
Discrete Structures
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



CSCI 385
MATH 160


Grade Distribution

  • Homework
    One of the keys to success in mathematics is repetition.  Therefore there will be a lot of homework assignments. They will mostly consist of problems from the textbook.  Generally about half of the problems will be from the current section and half from previous sections.  This is to help you keep all of the topics fresh in your minds throughout the semester.  Be careful to make sure you are completing the proper problems.

    Because there are many benefits to discussing problems, you will be allowed to work together on your homework assignments.  Let me be clear about what I mean.  You must all complete and turn in your own homework assignments, but are free to discuss the problems with each other and get help when you are stuck.  You may also "compare answers" if you would like.  However, if in the process of doing so you find differences, you must not merely copy the correct one!  In general, you may not copy solutions from each other, and you are certainly not allowed to copy answers from any other sources--both of these things are considered academically dishonest and will be dealt with according to the college's policies. 

    Homework is due at the beginning of class.  Any homework submitted after the beginning of class will receive a 10% deduction.  The Free Late policy is in effect for this course. Thus, you may turn in one homework assignment one class period late.  However, because there will be quizzes (see next item) with problems based on or similar to the homework problems, it is highly recommended that you never do this.

    For full credit on a problem, you must show all of your work.  Even if you can do the problem mostly in your head, write down enough information so I know how you got your answer.  In this class, how you got your answer is as important as the answer itself.

    Finally, not every problem on every homework assignment will be graded.  I will typically grade at least half of the assigned problems.  Of course, since you do not know which ones I will grade, you should do them all!

  • Quizzes
    There will be frequent unannounced quizzes.  They will take place either at the beginning or end of class.  Please arrive to class on time since you will not receive extra time to complete the quiz if you are late.  The quizzes will usually consist of between one and three problems either drawn directly from suggested exercises and homework problems or slight modifications of these.  In other words, completing all suggested exercises and homework problems on time will be very beneficial.
  • Participation
    There are four main criteria here:
    1. Problem Presentations.  On any day at any time I may call on anyone to present the solution to one of the suggested exercises.  Each time I do this it will be worth 2 points.  You will receive 2 points if you correctly present the answer, 1 point if you make a good effort, and 0 points if you are unable to present the solution.  I will ensure that each student is called on an equal number of times.
    2. Colloquium attendance. You must attend at least 75% of the colloquiums to not get marked down.
    3. Classroom discussion and activities.  This include attendance, how engaged you are during class, etc.
    4. Getting help when needed (Office Hours, etc.).   Contrary to what some students may believe, it is a good thing to ask your professors questions when you get stuck.  Thus, I want to encourage you to do so.  If you are struggling with the material and never come for help, this will be reflected in this part of your grade.
  • These four areas will not necessarily be weighted equally.

  • Exams
    There will be a final exam.  Because there will be frequent quizzes, there will not be a midterm.