CSE 101 Fall 2003
Computer Science Fundamentals
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nebraska--Lincoln



CSCI 125
CSCI 255
MATH 341


CSCE101 Course Information

Time 2:30-3:20pm MWF
Location217 Ferguson

Instructor Chuck Cusack
E-mail cusack@cse.unl.edu
Office108 Ferguson
Phone 472-2615
Office Hours MWF 10:30-11:20am, and by appointment

Graders Xiaoyu Yao Dong Li
Items HomeworkQuizzes
Offices 501 Bldg Room 5.9501 Bldg Room 2.8
Phones 472-5029472-0820
e-mails xyao@cse.unl.eduli@cse.unl.edu
Office Hours T 2:00-3:30pm M 10:00-11:00am

  • Computer Science: An Overview, 7th Edition, J. Glenn Brookshear, Addison-Wesley, 2003

  • Coverage This course is a breadth-first introduction to computer science. What that means is that you will learn a little bit about a wide range of computer science topics.

    This course is NOT a computer literacy or programming course. You will not learn to read e-mail, use Word or other programs, or work with spreadsheets. You will also not be writing lots of computer programs.

    The purpose of the course is not to give you some skills that will be useful in whatever your future career is. The purpose is simply to give you a flavor of what computer scientists do.

    The main topics of the course include

    • What is Computer Science
    • Data Representation (binary, hexadecimal, ASCII, etc)
    • Digital Logic
    • Data Manipulation
    • Machine Organization
    • Operating Systems
    • Networks and Communication
    • Algorithms
    • Programming Languages
    • Data Structures
    • Databases

    Reading the Textbook Before class each day you should read the sections of the textbook listed on the schedule for that day. Be sure the read the entire section(s) indicated. Each class will start with question you may have about what you read. After clearing up any confusions, we will spend class time doing examples and solving related problems. If you are not doing the assigned readings, you will not get nearly as much out of the course as possible, and it is likely your grade will reflect that.

    Suggested Exercises After you read each section, attempt as many of the suggested exercises as you are able. Some suggested exercises will ask you to solve similar problems for different sets of data. If you are certain of how to do the problems after doing a few, you should feel free to skip the similar problems. However, sometimes the other problems will have subtle differences that make the solutions slightly (and sometimes totally) different, so make sure you really understand what you are doing if you skip problems.

    Answers to the suggested exercises are in the back of the book. Use the answers to check your work after you have already made an honest attempt at solving each problem.