CSCI 112 Fall 2016
Exploring Computer Science
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



CSCI 385
MATH 160


Course Information

Time     1:00-1:50 MWF
Location     VWF 102

Instructor     Chuck Cusack
Office     VWF 102
Phone     395-7271
Office Hours       MW 9:30-10:30am or by appointment

Textbooks CS11e: Pearson Custom Computer Science: Hope College Department of Computer Science, CSCI 114, Professor Mike Jipping. (A custom book based on Computer Science: an Overview, 11th edition, J. Glenn Brookshear, Addison-Wesley, 2012.)

Topics This course is a breadth-first introduction to computer science. What that means is that you will learn a little bit about a wide range of computer science topics.

This course is NOT a computer literacy or programming course. You will not learn how to send and receive e-mail, use Word or other software, or work with spreadsheets. You will also not be writing computer programs.

The purpose of the course is not to give you some skills that will be useful in whatever your future career is, although you will find that some of the things you learn may be useful in the future. The purpose is to give you a flavor of what you will learn in some of the more advanced courses.

The topics covered will include:

  • What is Computer Science?
  • Data Storage (binary, hexadecimal, ASCII, etc)
  • Data Manipulation
  • Computer Architecure
  • Operating Systems
  • Networks and the Internet
  • Algorithms (time permitting)

Expectations Before Class
Before class each day you must read the sections of the textbook listed on the schedule for that day. You must complete all Questions & Exercises for each section you read. The answers to these are at the end of each chapter so you can check your work. In addition, you should look at the homework assignments that are due for the following class so you can get any questions answered.

Be sure the read the entire section(s) indicated, and attempt all of the Questions & Exercises.

Each class will begin with a pop-quiz over the Questions & Exercises or small group presentations of some of the questions. After clearing up any confusions, we will spend class discussing some of the topics in more depth, seeing examples, and seeing how the topic fits in with other topics.

If you are not doing the assigned readings and exercises, you will not get nearly as much out of the course, and it is likely your grade will reflect that.

In Class
Unless otherwise informed, you may not use any electronic device (cell phone, gaming device, tablet PC, laptop, desktop, super computer, etc.) while in the classroom. This includes before, during, and after class.

The reason for this rule is that I want you to be fully present while you are in the classroom, and electronic devices can be very distracting. Here are some videos to help illustate the point:

Advice Here is a list of what students who took the course previously had to say about succeeding in the course:
  • Make sure you do the reading, and get help from the professor if you do not understand it.
  • Be prepared to ask lots of questions.
  • Do the reading.
  • Read the text carefully.
  • Always do the reading. It helps a lot.
  • Make sure and read the book before going to class.
  • Read, read, read.
  • Just make sure you read your textbook everyday before going to class
  • Make sure you read the text book and ask questions about homework.
  • Pay attention during class!
  • Pay attention in the lectures.
  • Pay attention and get help if you need it.
  • Ask questions if you don't understand.
  • Don't procrastinate on the writing of your research paper.