CSCI 385 Spring 2023
Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



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Schedule for weeks 1 through 16

Wk Day Date TopicResourcesEvents

1TueJan 10
  • Introduction
  • Prerequisite Review

  • ThuJan 12Brute Force
  • Closest-Pair
  • Convex Hull
  • IDAA 3.3

  • FriJan 13Decrease-and-conquer
  • Generating Permutations
  • Generating Subsets
  • IDAA 4 intro (pages 131-134)
  • IDAA 4.3

  • 2TueJan 17Divide-and-conquer
  • Closest-Pair
  • Convex Hull
  • IDAA 5 intro (pages 169-171)
  • IDAA 5.5

  • ThuJan 19Transform-and-Conquer
  • Gaussian Elimination
  • LU Decomposition
  • IDAA 6.2 (to top of page 214)
  • HW 1 due

    FriJan 20Transform-and-Conquer
  • Problem Reduction
  • IDAA 6.6
  • Linear Programming Exploration (Geogebra)
  • Linear Programming Example (Desmos)

  • 3TueJan 24Transform-and-conquer
  • Balanced search trees
  • Space and Time Trade-Offs
  • B-Trees
  • IDAA 6.3
  • IDAA 7.4

  • ThuJan 26Dynamic Programming
  • Knapsack Problem
  • IDAA 8.2
  • HW 2 due

    FriJan 27Dynamic Programming
  • Optimal Binary Search Tree
  • IDAA 8.3

  • 4TueJan 31Dynamic Programming
  • Warshall's Algorithm
  • Floyd's Algorithm
  • IDAA 8.4
  • Warshall Notes
  • Floyd Visualization
  • 385 Google Doc
  • HW 3 due

    ThuFeb 02Greedy Technique
  • Prim's Algorithm
  • Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • IDAA 9.1 (hopefully review)
  • IDAA 9.3
  • Minimum Spanning Trees Notes
  • Algoraph

  • FriFeb 03Iterative Improvement
  • Maximum-Flow Problem
  • IDAA 10.2
  • Ford-Fulkeron Demo
  • Max Flow Demo
  • Network Flow Solver
  • HW 4 due

    5TueFeb 07Iterative Improvement
  • Maximum Matching
  • IDAA 10.3
  • HW 5 due

    ThuFeb 09Limitations of Algorithm Power
  • Lower-Bound Arguments
  • IDAA 11.1
  • Sorting Lower Bound notes
  • Kelvin predictions

  • FriFeb 10Limitations of Algorithm Power
  • Decision Trees
  • IDAA 11.2
  • HW 6 due

    6TueFeb 14No ClassWinter Recess

    ThuFeb 16Limitations of Algorithm Power
  • P, NP, and NP-Complete
  • IDAA 11.3
  • Halting Problem Notes
  • Turing and the Halting Problem

  • FriFeb 17Limitations of Algorithm Power
  • Challenges of Numerical Algorithms
  • IDAA 11.4
  • IEEE 754
  • Roundoff Error

  • 7TueFeb 21Coping with Limitations
  • Backtracking
  • IDAA 12.1
  • Knight Tour (Java)
  • n-Queens (C++)
  • HW 7 due

    ThuFeb 23Coping with Limitations
  • Branch-and-Bound
  • IDAA 12.2
  • Branch-and-Bound Example

  • FriFeb 24ReviewHW 8 due

    8TueFeb 28Everything
  • Brain (Not Brian. You can't get his help.)
  • Book
  • Notes
  • Writing utensil
  • Paper
  • Midterm Exam

    ThuMar 02Parallel Programming
  • Read Introduction to Parallel Programming
  • For RQ: write 2 page summary
  • Algoraph
  • Install SSH client (e.g. MobaXterm)
  • Install Eclipse
  • Install Algoraph plugin for Eclipse

  • FriMar 03Catch up on stuff

    9TueMar 07Open MP
  • Watch videos 1-7 from Intro to OpenMP (Look at video numbers, not titles!)
  • RQ, important note → OMP Videos 1-7 Question
  • Open MP Introduction (for reference)
  • Open MP Slides (from videos, for reference)
  • Open MP Exercises (code from videos)
  • OpenMP Patternlets (in class)
  • OpenMP Patternlets code
  • Submit pi.c (video 6?) with Webhandin 385-SRQ

  • ThuMar 09Open MP
  • Watch videos 8-15 from Intro to OpenMP
  • OpenMP Reference Sheets
  • SRQ → OMP Videos 8-15 Question
  • Submit pi2.c (video 11) with Webhandin 385-SRQ

  • FriMar 10Open MP
  • Watch videos 16-18 from Intro to OpenMP
  • SRQ → OMP Video 16-18 Question

  • 10TueMar 14Open MP
  • Watch videos 19-22 from Intro to OpenMP
  • SRQ → OMP Video 19-22 Question
  • HW 9 due

  • ThuMar 16Work Day

    FriMar 17No ClassSpring Break

    Spring Break Week

    11TueMar 28Open MP

  • ThuMar 30Open MP
  • Watch videos 23-27 from Intro to OpenMP
  • HW 10 due (program)

    FriMar 31Parallel Programming Read Ch 2-3.3 of SIPC
  • Sophomoric Parallelism and Concurrency (SIPC)
  • Grossman notes 1
  • HW 10 due (write-up)

    12TueApr 04
  • Java's ForkJoin
  • Read Ch 3.4-3.6 of SIPC
  • Grossman notes 1
  • Java ForkJoin Framework Guide
  • HW 11 due (code)

    ThuApr 06
  • Java's ForkJoin
  • Divide-and-conquer in parallel
  • Read Ch 4-5.2 of SIPC
  • Grossman notes 2
  • HW 11 due (write-up)

    FriApr 07No ClassGood Friday

    13TueApr 11
  • Analyzing Parallel Algorithms
  • Grossman notes 2

  • ThuApr 13
  • Parallel Prefix
  • Pack
  • Read Ch 5 of SIPC
    (Re-read 5-5.2, finish chapter)
  • Grossman Notes 3

  • FriApr 14
  • Parallel Quicksort and Mergesort

  • 14TueApr 18
  • Parallel Sorting
  • Concurrency
  • Read Ch 6 of SIPC
  • Grossman Notes 4

  • ThuApr 20
  • Race conditions
  • Read Ch 7 of SIPC
  • Grossman Notes 5b
  • HW 12 due

    FriApr 21Parallel Partition
  • Ch 8 and 9
  • Parallel Partition Demo
  • Read Ch 8-9 of SIPC
  • Grossman Notes 6b

  • 15TueApr 25Work day

    ThuApr 27Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Computing notes
  • HW 13 due

    FriApr 28Review

    ExThuMay 04Final Exam