* EstimatorListener.java
* Created on October 4, 2002, 9:31 PM
package unl.cusack.estimator;
* @author Charles Cusack
* @version 1.0, Octber 5, 2002
* The listener interface for the Estimator Model
* The interface contains only one method, since the model is very simple.
public interface EstimatorListener {
* The overridden method will tell what to do if the data from the
* model has changed
* @param e the event
public void estimatorDataChanged(EstimatorEvent e);
// If the model was a little more complicated, we might also want
// to include the following methods in the interface.
// In fact, the way the model works right now, the model ends up
// changing the entire model, even if only one of the parameters
// changes.
//public void estimateIntervalChanged(EstimatorEvent e);
//public void firstEstimateChanged(EstimatorEvent e);
//public void numberOfEstimatesChanged(EstimatorEvent e);