// Class: AClip
// Author: Written by Chuck Cusack
// Date: September 2001
// Description: A class to represent a clip. No graphics are implemented.
// A class needs to extend this class to implement the graphics.
// The clip can accept ABullets, and be placed in an AClipGun.
import java.awt.*;
import aLibrary.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public abstract class AClip extends AView {
// instance variables
protected int numberBullets; // The number of bullets currently in the clip
protected int capacity; // The capacity of the clip
private ABullet[] theBullet;// The bullets
private AClipGun myGun; // The gun the clip is in
// The constructor needs to know how many bullets the clip can hold.
// Postcondition:
// numberBullets==0,
// capacity==theCapacity,
// theBullet==an array of size capacity,
// theBullet[i]==null for i=0,...,capacity
// myGun==null;
// the gun is drawn as specified in drawClip.
public AClip(int x,int y,int width,int height,int cap) {
theBullet=new ABullet[capacity];
int i;
for(i=0;i<capacity;i++) {
// These methods should be defined in a subclass that wishes to draw AClips
protected void drawClip() {}
protected void drawBulletOnClip(ABullet A) {}
protected void undrawBulletOnClip(ABullet A) {}
// if the clip is not full, inserts Bullet B into the clip and return true;
// otherwise, do not modify the class and return false.
public boolean insertBullet(ABullet B) {
if(!isFull() && !isInGun()) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// if the clip is not empty, removes the most recently inserted Bullet B from
// the clip and return B;
// otherwise, do not modify the class and return null.
// Bullets can be removed in or out of the gun, since they must be removed
// when the gun is fired.
public ABullet removeBullet() {
if(!isEmpty()) {
ABullet aBullet=theBullet[numberBullets];
return aBullet;
else {
return null;
// Returns true if the clip is full (numberBullets==capacity) and
// false otherwise
// does not modify the class
public boolean isFull() {
return (numberBullets==capacity);
// Returns true if the clip is empty (numberBullets==0) and
// false otherwise
// does not modify the class
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (numberBullets==0);
// Returns: numberBullets
public int numberBullets() {
return numberBullets;
// postcondition: myGun==G
public void setMyGun(AClipGun G) {
// returns true if myGun!=null and false otherwise
public boolean isInGun() {
return (myGun!=null);