CSCI 235 Spring 2015
Data Structures and Software Design
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



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Schedule for weeks 1 through 16

Wk Day Date TopicResourcesEvents

1TueJan 06
  • Course Introduction
  • OOP Review

  • ThuJan 08
  • Review
  • Equality
  • Swapping in Java
  • Review OFWJ 1-7
  • Read How to Write an Equality Method in Java
  • Java equals Documentation
  • Java hashCode Documentation

  • FriJan 09
  • SVN and Eclipse
  • Review OFWJ 8-10
  • SVN and Eclipse
  • HW 1 due

    2TueJan 13
  • Inheritance
  • SVN
  • Read Version Control with Subversion Preface (pages xiv-xv) and Ch 1 (pages 1-14)

  • ThuJan 15
  • UML
  • Inheritance
  • Review OFWJ 8-10
  • Read JSS Appendix A-B
  • Target Game
  • SampleClock2

  • FriJan 16
  • Java Swing
  • OFWJ 11
  • JSS Appendix C-D
  • Look at SimpleApplet
  • Look at SwingExample
  • HW 2 due

    3TueJan 20
  • More Swing
  • Sorting Demo
  • ListenerExample
  • HW 3 due
    HW 4 due

    ThuJan 22
  • Design
  • OFWJ 13
  • JSS 1
  • Read 3-tier Applications
  • MVC Diagram
  • Model-view-controller (Wikipedia)
  • MVC_Ferzle
  • PiEstimator
  • TableExample

  • FriJan 23
  • Bible Reader Design
  • Read Bible Reader Overview
  • HW 5 due

    4TueJan 27
  • JUnit Testing
  • Testing Notes
  • JUnit Tutorial
  • JUnit API
  • Assert API

  • ThuJan 29
  • Testing
  • Testing Clock Exercise
  • Project 0 due

    FriJan 30
  • Bible Reader
  • Error Handling
  • Exceptions
  • OFWJ 12.1-12.8
  • HW 6 due

    5TueFeb 03
  • Error Handling
  • Exceptions
  • OFWJ 12.9-12.10
  • Read Pair Programming
  • Project 1 due

    ThuFeb 05
  • File I/O
  • FileIO example
  • HTMLeditor
  • Scatter Plot
  • Project 2 due

    FriFeb 06ProjectProject 3 due

    6TueFeb 10Winter RecessNo Class

    ThuFeb 12
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Growth rates
  • Limits
  • JSS 2
  • Read Analysis of Algorithms Notes
  • Read Asympotic Notation Handout
  • Asymptotic Notation Notes
  • FunctionGrowth Applet

  • FriFeb 13
  • Computational Complexity
  • An Active Introduction to Discrete Math and Algorithms (See Chapter 7, especially sections 7.2-7.3)
  • Project 4 due

    7TueFeb 17
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Growth rates
  • An Active Introduction to Discrete Math and Algorithms (See Chapter 7, especially sections 7.2-7.3)
  • HW 7 due

    ThuFeb 19
  • Review
  • Bible Reader
  • Project 5 due

    FriFeb 20
  • OFWJ 8-13
  • JSS 1-2
  • Midterm Exam

    8TueFeb 24
  • Iterators
  • List processing
  • JSS 7

    ThuFeb 26
  • Java Collections
  • JSS 3
  • Collections Notes
  • Java Collection Links
  • Java Collections Diagram
  • Java Collections Introduction
  • Data Structure Visualizations
  • Project 6 due

    FriFeb 27
  • Linked Structures
  • JSS 4
  • Read Linked List Notes
  • Data Structure Visualizations (runnable jarfile w/ linked lists, etc.)

  • 9TueMar 03
  • Stacks
  • Read Stack Notes
  • Stack Example
  • Stack Animation (Array)
  • Stack Animation (Linked List)
  • Project 7 due

    ThuMar 05
  • Queues
  • JSS 5
  • Read Queue Notes
  • Queue Example (unimplemented)
  • Queue Animation (Array)
  • Queue Animation (Linked List)

  • FriMar 06
  • Misc
  • Project 8 due

    10TueMar 10
  • Lists
  • JSS 6
  • HW 8 due

    ThuMar 12
  • Recursion
  • Factorials
  • Fibonacci
  • Binary Search
  • Towers of Hanoi
  • JSS 8
  • Read Recursion Notes
  • Recursive Functions
  • Project 9 due

    FriMar 13Spring Break!No Class

    Spring Break Week

    11TueMar 24
  • Binary Search
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • JSS 9
  • Read Binary Search Analysis
  • Basic Sorting Notes
  • Sorting Demos

  • ThuMar 26
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Radix Sort
  • Merge Sort Notes
  • Quick Sort Notes
  • Radix Sort Notes
  • Radix Sort Demo (binary)
  • Data Structure Visualizations

  • FriMar 27
  • Trees
  • Binary Trees
  • Tree Traversals
  • JSS 10
  • Graphs and Trees Notes (pp 24-38)
  • Pre/In/Postfix Notation Demo
  • Tree Traversal Demo
  • Project 10 due

    12TueMar 31
  • Treesort
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Balanced Trees
  • JSS 11.1-11.4
  • BST Notes
  • Balanced Tree Demo

  • ThuApr 02
  • Balanced Trees
  • JSS 11.5-11.6HW 9 due

    FriApr 03Good FridayNo Class

    13TueApr 07
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • JSS 13

    ThuApr 09
  • Heaps
  • Priority Queues
  • Heap Sort
  • JSS 12
  • Heaps and Heapsort Notes
  • Heap Sort Demo
  • Project 11 due

    FriApr 10
  • Heaps
  • Data Structure Efficiency
  • HW 10 due

    14TueApr 14
  • Graphs
  • JSS 15
  • Graphs and Trees Notes (pp 1-23)
  • Project 13.1 due

  • ThuApr 16
  • Graphs
  • AIDMA Read Ch 10.1-10.3, 10.5
  • Algoraph
  • Project 12 due

  • FriApr 17
  • Graphs

  • 15TueApr 21
  • Hashing
  • JSS Appendix E
  • Hashing Notes

  • ThuApr 23
  • Review

  • FriApr 24Spring Fling
  • Project 13.2 due (noon)
  • No Class

  • ExMonApr 27Section 2 Exam, 3-5pm

    WedApr 29Section 1 Exam, 12:30-2:30pm