CSCI 295 Fall 2005
Software Design & Data Structures
Archived Class
Charles Cusack
Computer Science
Hope College



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Schedule for weeks 1 through 16

Wk Day Date TopicResourcesEvents

1MonAug 29No class yetNo Class

WedAug 31
  • Introduction to the Course
  • Review of prerequisite topics
  • Course Webpage
  • Review Questions
  • HW 1 in class

    FriSep 02
  • Review of prerequisite topics
  • Review OFWJ Chapters 1-7
  • HW 1 in class

    2MonSep 05
  • Inheritance
  • Hierarchies
  • Subtyping
  • has-a and is-a
  • OFWJ 8.1-8.7
  • ChuckClock2
  • DrawingExample

  • WedSep 07
  • Polymorphism
  • Casting
  • Wrapper classes
  • Method overriding
  • super
  • Protected access
  • OFWJ 8.8-8.11
  • OFWJ 9.1-9.10

  • FriSep 09Inheritance and PolymorphismHW 2 due

    3MonSep 12
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • OFWJ 10.1-10.8
  • ChuckClock2
  • DrawingExample
  • Project 1 due

    WedSep 14
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • The equals method
  • DSaJCF 1.1-1.7

  • FriSep 16
  • Abstract classes
  • Interfaces
  • The equals method
  • HW 3 due

    4MonSep 19
  • GUI
  • Java Swing
  • Event Handling
  • OFWJ 11.1-11.10

  • WedSep 21
  • Java Swing

  • FriSep 23
  • Java Swing

  • 5MonSep 26
  • Error Handling
  • Exceptions
  • OFWJ 12.1-12.6
  • FileIO example
  • HW 4 due

    WedSep 28CIS (Not NCIS or CSI)No Class

    FriSep 30
  • Error Handling
  • File I/O
  • OFWJ 12.8-12.10

  • 6MonOct 03
  • More on File I/O
  • Project 2 due

    WedOct 05
  • Design patterns
  • OFWJ 13.1-13.8
  • PiEstimator

  • FriOct 07
  • More on Design
  • HW 5 due

    7MonOct 10Fall RecessNo Class

    WedOct 12Analyis of Algorithms
  • DSaJCF 3.1-3.2
  • Analysis of Algorithms Notes
  • Asymptotic Notation Notes

  • FriOct 14
  • Growth rates
  • Limits
  • Asympotic Notation Handout
  • Project 3 due

    8MonOct 17Collections
  • DSaJCF 4.1-4.2
  • Java Collections Framework
  • Guest Lecture

  • WedOct 19Recursion:
  • Factorial
  • Towers of Hanoi
  • Binary Search
  • DSaJFC 5.1-5.5
  • Recursion Notes

  • FriOct 21Recursion:
  • Backtracking
  • DSaJFC 5.6-5.8
  • Knight Tour Applet
  • HW 6 due

    9MonOct 24
  • Recursion
  • Linked Lists
  • DSaJFC 7.1-7.3
  • Linked List Notes
  • Linked List Applet
  • C++ Linked List Class

  • WedOct 26
  • Linked Lists
  • DSaJFC 7.1-7.3

    FriOct 28Stacks
  • DSaJFC 8.1
  • Stack Notes
  • C++ Stack Class
  • HW 7 due

    10MonOct 31
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • DSaJFC 8.2
  • Queue Notes

  • WedNov 02
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Towers of Hanoi revisited
  • Towers of Hanoi: Array
  • Towers of Hanoi: Stack
  • Project 4 due

    FriNov 04Binary Trees
  • DSaJFC 9.1-9.4
  • Graphs and Trees Notes (pp 24-38)

  • 11MonNov 07Stacks: A Card Game

    WedNov 09
  • Binary Trees
  • Binary Search Trees
  • DSaJFC 10.1-10.2
  • BST Notes
  • BST Applet
  • HW 8 due

    FriNov 11
  • Binary Search Trees
  • AVL Trees
  • AVL Tree Applet
  • AVL Demo

  • 12MonNov 14
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • DSaJFC 11.1-11.3
  • Basic Sorting Notes

  • WedNov 16
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • DSaJFC 11.4
  • Merge Sort Notes
  • Quick Sort Notes
  • HW 9 due

    FriNov 18
  • Radix Sort
  • DSaJFC 11.5
  • Radix Sort Notes

  • 13MonNov 21
  • Tree Maps
  • DSaJFC 12.1-12.4
  • Project 5 due

    WedNov 23
  • Tree Sort
  • Tree Sets
  • DSaJFC 12.5-12.6

  • FriNov 25Thanksgiving BreakNo Class

    14MonNov 28
  • Heaps
  • Priority Queues
  • DSaJFC 13.1-13.3
  • Heaps and Heapsort Notes
  • Heap Sort Applet

  • WedNov 30
  • Heap Sort
  • Huffman Encoding
  • DSaJFC 13.4
  • Greedy Algorithms Notes (pgs 5-18)

  • FriDec 02Hashing
  • DSaJFC 14.1-14.4
  • Hashing Notes

  • 15MonDec 05Hashing
  • DSaJFC 14.5
  • Hashing Applet

  • WedDec 07

    FriDec 09Project 6 due (no late assignments this time)

    ExMonDec 12EverythingPencil and paperFinal Exam @ 2:00pm